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World military expenditure rose to $1.6 trillion = $1,630 billion = $1,630,000 million in 2010
— in order to make the world safer and to protect us from threats!

Billion-Dollar Weather Disasters of 2011

At the end of 2012 the world wide installed electric power plant capacity reached 5300 GW
                                                                              of which wind had an installed capacity of   273 GW
                                                                                      and solar
had an installed capacity of   100 GW

1 MW of installed wind energy costs about $2 million
1 MW of installed solar energy
costs about $2 million

If mankind decided to spend the military budget
on renewable energies and fight real existing threats,
with $1,6 trillion we could install 800.000 MW = 800 GW of wind energy.
--  Annually.
                                                or 800.000 MW = 800 GW of solar energy. --  Annually.


Within 10 years mankind could replace the existing 5,300 GW
installed power plant capacity
and add even new capacity.

World energy consumption
Key World Energy Statistics 2012

Total Installed Capacity of World's Power Plants

IEA Report: World Energy Outlook 2012, Nov 12, 2012

A total of 5890 GW of capacity additions – more than the total installed capacity of the whole world in 2011 – is required over the Outlook period (2035).

Die weltweiten Rüstungsausgaben betrugen in 2021:
2,1 Billionen Dollar
                                                         — um uns vor Bedrohungen zu schützen!

Ende 2012 gab es eine weltweit installierte Kraftwerkskapazität von 5.300 GW.
                                                           Davon fielen bereits auf den Sektor Wind    273 GW
                                                                                     und auf den Sektor Solar    100

1 MW Windenergie       (installiert) kostet ca. 2 Mio Dollar
1 MW PV Technologie
(installiert) kostet ca. 2 Mio Dollar

=>    Mit 1,6 Bio Dollar könnte man weltweit 800.000 MW = 800 GW Windenergie installieren
.  --  Jährlich.
=>    Mit 1,6 Bio Dollar könnte man weltweit 800.000 MW = 800 GW Solarenergie installieren.  --  Jährlich.


Innerhalb von 10 Jahren wäre es möglich, die existierenden
5.300 GW installierter Kraftwerksleistung
durch saubere Erneuerbare Energien zu ersetzen
und sogar zusätzliche Kapazitäten hinzuzufügen.


World energy consumption

IEA Report: World Energy Outlook 2012, Nov 12, 2012

A total of 5890 GW of capacity additions – more than the total installed capacity of the whole world in 2011 – is required over the Outlook period (2035).

Sept 15, 2019

Those who 'protect' us

The largest industrial military in the history of the world is also the single biggest polluter on the planet.
A recent study from Brown University’s Costs of War project surfaced this startling fact:
The U.S. Department of Defense has a larger annual carbon footprint than most countries on earth.

Reinhard Haase,